Subject: Re: Ephrussi Reply-to: (J. Lederberg) In-reply-to: Your message of Mon, 17 Jul 89 11:54:34 EDT. I’ve just returned from a trip, to find your msg. I don’t think of any documentary sources that could help you any further in reconstructing Ephrussi’s research program. He was certainly cognizant of my first speculations {**} concerning somatic cell genetics (v.i. -- I haven’t checked whether these preceded the Oak Ridge symposium.), and while I had many conversations with him, I was never clear how he got started with Sorieul. Henry Harris (Oxford) might have a clearer picture of how Boris got into that. Ditto Siminovitch (Toronto), and G. Pontecorvo. cf: TI The balance of improbabilities: a scientific life. PP Oxford: Oxford University Press. DA 1987. Howard Schneiderman, recently retired VP Monsanto and before that at Western Reserve, Washington Univ. was also very close to him. And have you been in touch with Anne Ephrussi? (a postdoc at Harvard or MIT -- she might remember some stories.) kk 47 Lederberg J. Prospects for the genetics of somatic and tumor cells. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 63: 662-665. (1956) The meeting was May 1955; George Klein (Stockholm) was a principal.