Bacterial Physiology Unit, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115 May 25, 1987. Dr. Joshua Lederberg, Rockefeller University, New York, NY. Dear Josh, As I mentioned on the phone, the draft of the OTA report on Gen. Eng. Organisms in the Environment seems to me to be virtually a manifesto by a group of ecologists, deeply suspicious of engineered bacteria; and I am enclosing a copy of my strongly critical comment. The question is how the OTA managed to set up such an unbalanced group, which seems quite out of keeping with previous OTA reports. Since I have been told that the person in charge of the study group is an ecologist I have little confidence that my letter will do any good unless it reaches higher levels in the OTA. The matter seems to me quite serious, and so I have thought of sending a copy of my letter to the head of the OTA, suggesting that he might wish to look into the matter. But I do not know him, and I wondered whether you would be interested in forwarding a copy with a covering note You might feel that you have to look at the report, but the quotations in my letter may be sufficient to show that there is a problem. With best regards, Sincerely, ove Bernard D. Davis ine + DV rethy ron Phe eal ond aeteert Teal "Kee falaen ane pant al Woes detoumeen . Nea Set ofyfor.