May 26, 1950 Dr, K, C, Atwood, III Marine Biological Imboratory Weode Role Mansachueetts Dear Keon I an very pleased that you will be able to come here for our meeting on the 10th and I an looxing forward to nneing you at length, On the basin of ay excerience with 3. colg I would hesitate to assign any definite genetic mochanisn to killing on the basis of kinetic data, Values for the parameters waieh you have nov eetebiiehed indleste perhaos that each nuclous is behaving in dependently and that the removal of the individual nucleus follows a log linear, at ieuet empirically, Celis of R. cold are killed expozentia ly by “ray but, like your own, the direct genetic evidence dofinitely mutes out recessive lethal) mitation as an important basia of killing, I hope thit wa can heave an opvertunity to taik this thing out during your visit. Feet regar - to larbara and the three children, Sincerely, J. Lederbar . Asea't Prof. of Genetics SLtpa