Mike Gough OTA [stamped, DEC 22 1980] Cancer Risks assessment. Thank you very much for sharing the draft of a splendid document. I have (surprisingly) little to add: the work will certainly be the keystone of further discussion. Most of the attached are typos -- probably caught anyhow -- but easy enough to send on. I do wonder that you(r legislative branch) is so restrained in its commentary on the simplistic and unqualified pronouncementes [sic] from the executive agencies, e.g. CEQ, on cancer epidemics etc. Your study will be a milestone for informed policy analyzed approaches to these problems. [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] Besides the typos, most of my comments are more conveniently sent as marginal notes on particular pages. You might want to pursue further the eventual consequences of the always prudent approach exemplified by Peter Hiett's "life is too short" aphorism. If there is an infinity of alternatives, "prudence" is prudent. But surely I do not have to expand on opportunity costs. You mention, but perhaps might enlarge upon this theme.