ASSESSMENT OF TECHNOLOGIES FOR DETERMINING CANCER RISKS FROM THE ENVIRONMENT JUNE 1981 life expectancy of a person born in the U.S. in 1950 was 68 years. By. 1977 it had risen to 73 years, and 80% of those dying today are over 60 years of age. Cancer, although it kills at all ages, primarily affects the elderly. Cancer has a major impact on the nation’s economy, from the personal costs of treatment and lost income, to public expenditures for screening programs, public education, and cancer research. The costs of cancer are not merely economic, though these are enormous. Social costs have taken on increasing prominence in recent years, and include more than the obvious pain and suf fering of the victim. Relatives and friends of victims, and care givers all may suffer direct consequences of the victim’s morbidity and mortality. Social isolation, economic dependence, lost personal and business opportunities, and many undesirable and unwanted alterations in lifestyle are inevitable. Serious emotional and psychological problems requiring professional attention are not uncommon among victims and their family members, often producing irreversible changes in family structure and relationships. The costs of these social factors are not directly quantifiable, but some progress has been made in methodologies { to measure them. Severity of pain and suffering can be measured, t least in ” relative terms, by the medication required for relief. Costs of psychiatric care ne may be used as surrogates for emotional and psychological stress. Other "shadow-pricing” mechanisms have been used, and a number of profiles have been developed to consider many social factors together (Granger and Greer, 1976; Elinson, 1974). There is no question that social costs are enormous, and / improved methodologies will paint a more accurate picture of the impact of cancer i on its victims and on society as a whole. (For a review of some methodologies for valuation, see OTA, 1980.) A common measure of disease is the number of years of life lost due to premature mortality. This takes into account both the number of deaths and the age at which people die. The death of a younger person will contribute more : . fp ee X x np > Caviawee 5 aap a Leth debe Anaamreny 5 TM, S —Oulbet ton be vanes teen Raoul a5 rt} 4, la cen i Lp uA We PAV LAER AN QUAN TA sR Sp os A hoe. 4 yi AB G . a A pre. cae tm een nese a Lo. forces. All individuals exposed to the same dose of a carcinogen do not develop cancer, indicating the involvement of individual susceptibility or host factors. The genetic contribution may be minimal or may predominate. Certain familial and genetic disorders are known to increase the risk of developing cancer. Daughters of breast cancer patients have a higher breast cancer risk than women without this family history, though many other factors affect the probability of developing the cancer. Individuals with deeply pigmented skin have a lower risk of skin cancer induced by sunlight. Retinoblastoma, a usually fatal malignant disorder of the retinal cells occurring usually before the age of three, has a well-defined hereditary pattern. Individuals with multiple polyposis of the colon, an inherited trait, are at an increased risk of colon cancer. There is also a group of familial disorders manifesting cellular abnormalities that increase the risk of cancer: Bloom’s syndrome, Fanconi’s anemia, and the e immunologic deficiences (Fraumeni, 1973). Even in these cases, however, the malignancies are not necessarily completely spontaneous, and actions taken may prevent some of them. A case in point is xeroderma pigmentosum, a genetic disorder predisposing to multiple skin malignancies. Individuals with this defect develop numerous cancers and die at a young age, usually of leukemia or lymphoma, if exposed to even moderate amounts of sunlight. Affected individuals who have been completely sheltered from exposure to sunlight, the precipitating factor, however, have developed no malignancies (ref.). Oo \ Se Table 4-1 lists several cancers that occur as inherited traits or as TERRESTRES TRS complications of an inherited precursor state. All of these conditions together are believed to account for not more than an “7 y small percentage of all fale an wen uf - a r arty by tu rh tec Mi, TAA. cancer deaths (Knutsen, 19). s regular cigarette smokers and those among lifetime non-smokers is so extreme . lung cancer rates can be accounted for almost totally by cigarette smoking. z that it is not likely to be an artifact of the epidemiologic ° method. Doll and Peto (1981), calculate that the increase in male and female wT in which large numbers of people have been asked what they normally smoke and These findings on the effects “of tobacco on cancer are derived from studies ' ‘ a . they are then followed for several years to determine the causes of any deaths that may occur. TableJ-] presents data from the first 13 years of the largest of these studies, in which the smoking habits of one million Americans were ascertained in 1959 by Dr. E.C. Hammond on behalf of the American Cancer Society (ACS) (unpublished). The data show that deaths from lung cancer occurred almost 12 times as frequently in male one-pack-a-day snokers as compared to male non-smokers. Deaths from oral cavity, bladder and pancreatic tumors occurred in the smoking population 6, 3 and 2 times as frequently, respectively, as in the non-smokers. It should be borne in mind that these elevated risks would probably g have been even higher if the people who had quit smoking during the course of the study were eliminated from the analysis. Many who reported a history of smoking regularly had quit by 1967, and others quit years later but this was not accounted for in the data (Hammond, 1980, Prev. Med.). Deaths from cancers at other sites were “t, found to be significantly affected by smoking. pete to cancef rates seen an the ACS study are almost exactly mirrored in a comparison of veterans who were cigarette smokers in 1954 or 1957 and veterans who said they had never smoked regularly. Rogot and Murray (1980) found lung cancer deaths occurred 11.3 times as frequently among smokers; oral cavity canter deaths, 7 times; bladder cancer deaths, 2 times; pancreatic cancer deaths, 2 times; and deaths from cancers at other sites, 1.3 times. Other studies / om Great Britain (Doll and Peto, 1976) and other countries (Surgeon Genera, 9 1980) show similar elevated cancer death rates ectong smokers. i yogi yell nae consumed as spirits (ref.). The apple-baged drinks that are consumed in Northwest France are believed parti Pure alcohol is not by itself mutagenic or carcinogenic by any of the laboratory tests thus far devised, although many alcoholic drinks are found to be positive in short-term tests for mutagenicity. Given the good correlation Mutation Research, 65 (1979) 229—259 ments of alcoholic © Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press meer riske Alcohol ) i ‘between extrinsic “ MUTAGENIC, CANCEROGENIC AND TERATOGENIC EFFECTS OF it are responsible ALCOHOL and larynx. GUNTER OBE and HANSJURGEN RISTOW Institut fiir Genetik, Arnimallee 5-7, D-1000 Berlin 33 (Germany) isive alcohol (Received 12 January 1979) jouth (excluding (Revision received 29 March 1979) . . _- (Accepted 5 April 1979) ’ and perhaps Ben f the upper Summary Jensen, 1977). Alcohol is mutagenic? cancerogenic and teratogenic in man. Ethanol is mu- tagenic via its first metabolite, acetaldehyde. This is substantiated by the find- & esophagus in ings that acetaldehyde induces chromosomal aberrations, sister-chromatid exchanges and cross-links between DNA strands. Methanol, a contaminant of ective study of male many alcoholic beverages, is also mutagenic via its metabolite, formaldehyde. In addition, different indirect pathways may lead to mutations by alcohol. The effects for smoking cancerogenic activity of alcohol remains unverified by modern standard carci- . ° nogenicity tests. Ethanol and other alcohols, as well as aldehydes, inhibit RNA the mouth and 1 synthesis in cells and in cell-free transcriptional systems. A reduction of cellular . RNA synthesis may play an important role in the mutagenic, carcinogenic and 1ld be eliminated if teratogenic activity of alcohol. CApUSULCD LU Garvie ee ee cen oon ‘mate was made by Schottenfeld (1980) for tobacco/alcohol sites (762). These sites combined represent “approximately 36% of cancer deaths for all sites. Feldman, et al. (1975) found that the risk of head and neck cancer was 6 to 15 times greater in heavy drinkers who smoked than for nondrinkers and nonsmokers. Nonsmoking drinkers had a "slightly" higher risk (around 1.5) than total abstainers while nondrinking or light-drinking smokers had 2 to 4 times the risk. Breslow and Enstrom (1974) correlated average annual age-adjusted cancer foaa {-17 the United States (Cole, 14—) In animals, caffeine is shown to potentiate the effect of carcinogenic substances (Donovan, ne) ") and whether it has similar properties for humans is not yet known. Whether other naturally occuring carcinogens exist in food is left to speculation, but on present evidence, naturally occurring carcinogens are not regarded as an important cause of cancer in the United States. Cc. Carcinogens or Precursors Produced by Cooking Another possible source of carcinogens is their production in cooking. Humans are the only animals which cook their food, and it has been known for many years that carcinogenic chemicals such as benzo(a)pyrene and other polycyclic hydrocarbons are produced by pyrolysis when meat or fish is broiled or smoked or . an . - , when food is fryed in fat which has been used repeatedly. / Sugimura (1977) Cnn ‘ | Le = demonstrated that broiling also produces powerful mutagens that cannot be ye acpunted for by the production of benzo(a)pyrene akone. Commoner (]{—) and SRI (14—) have shown that mutagens are produc ed,“by cooking to relatively low 2 y { . “4 . 2 : temperatures between 100-200 C. 3 hire par AIY~ af 3 hae Aged cow Ana Ares