TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT BOARD Con tess of JOHN H. GIBBONS MORRIS K, UDALL, ARIZ., CHAIRMAN 8 the Gniten States nalieche TED STEVENS, ALASKA, VICE CHAIRMAN OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT EDWARD M. KENNEDY, MASS. GEORGE E, BROWN, JR., CALIF. ERNEST F. HOLLINGS, S.C. JOHN D, DINGELL, MICH, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 ADLAI E, STEVENSON, ILL. LARRY WINN, Jm., KANS. ORRIN G. HATCH, UTAH CLARENCE E. MILLER, OHIO CHARLES MCC, MATHIAS, Jr.. MD. JOHN W. WYDLER, N.Y. JOHN H. GIBBONS December 5, 1980 Joshua Lederberg President Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10021 Dear Mr. Lederberg: I am enclosing a draft copy of the report "Assessment of Technologies for Determining Cancer Risks from the Environment." The report describes what we know about exposures and factors that are responsible for today’s cancers, methods to identify carcinogenic substances and to project human risks, and Federal regulatory policies. Earlier drafts have been reviewed by a number of governmental, industry, and academic experts, and we are now seeking additional comments. I know that this is a terrible time of year to ask for a review, but we would very much appreciate your reviewing ail or parts of the report. You may telephone your comments to me at (202) 226-2070 or mail them. We are coming up against a reasonably firm deadline, and your comments would be most useful if they reach us before December 29, 1980. Sincerley yours, Michael Gough Project Director