UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO BERKELEY ° DAVIS * IRVINE * LOS ANGELES * RIVERSIDE * SAN DIEGO * SAN FRANCISCO SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRAPHY LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA 92093 Physiological Research Laboratory June 25, 1980 s Joshua Lederberg President The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, N.Y. 10021 Dear Josh: I have just received and read with admiration and profit the first number of Research Profiles which you sent to me. It gives me the opportunity, as a Rockefeller Institute alumnus (1921-26), to belatedly offer you my congratulations as the President of Rockefeller University and to wish you and my alma mater continued success and productivity. Please convey my greetings to Dr. Allfrey and any others on the staff who may remember me. I am now 84 and still working at the Physiological Research Laboratory of U.C.S.D. Professor Fred N. White is now the Director of our laboratory, having succeeded the late Professor Scholander, two years ago. He would like to have his name added to,those who will receive future issues of Research Profiles. Sincerel ours, Beh Nadingy DL A. Baird Hastings Research Associate in Neurosciences U.C.S.D. Medical School With warm regards. Har ak ps BAe Maes sored te hess fe yu Orman D0 AacTarg bs UNS Str or De Me P. 7. Ev de bn |