San Francisco Chronicle APR 9 THE VOICE OF THE WEST J 1969 April 28 Dear Josh, The piece appears to have struck oute--for an inning, anyway e I'm enclosing a letter from Mike Levitas that followed a phone call in which he discussed the problem with me, Although the original article followed quite closely the scope he outlined to me, the Times people apparently felt it was too broad a "tour dthorizon" of your views on many arease--s0 much so that no single area had a chance to receive any development in depth. A new version, as the letter indicates, would instead be organized around the theme of blological intervention in human development---the whether, the when and the how, I would trace the relevance of your ow past research, together with those of the other pioneer workers in molecular genetics, and devote more space to the concept of euphenics as Mumxx it offers a realistic alternative to the headline-touted concepts of “genetic manipulation", I wouldn't, however, even try to undertake this unless | it was something you wanted toe participate in, or at least approved. If you'd like to let me know what you think, or if we mw could discuss it together at your convenience, I'd appreciate it, If you decide no on a new piece, I'll quite understand, I genuinely enjoyed lunching with your wife; she's delightful, and we had a good talk. Hope to see you soon, Regards, Sr>w David Perlman SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94119 (415) 421-1111