DAVID PERLMAN 41 FIFTH AVENUE SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94118 April 12, 1969 Dear Josh, Here is the article; as you will S60, Itve confined myself as much as possible to your ideas and interests as they emerged during our interview and from your columns and other writings, If there are errors, of fact or of interpretation, please call me, You can most likely reach me at home this coming week, The phone is 752-2517. I hope to get down to Stanford by mid-week to talk over some ecology questions with people in the biology department on the campus, so if you feel a need for me to come by your office, I'Ll be glad to, de Lit Do let me know as soon as you can if ne Hover you find any major problems with the piece. MmLo otf And thank you, 4 toate ohrmeng, Yours, ; Sy ; =" OX Q) Qo AA Awe a LON ~{. 1 gash ade P.S,. You gave me three manuscripts marked C —— "return," I have them and will drop them by your office when I'm on the bole ost Purro campus. 4 pho. flan card. Oud, 4 ves) gig ead