STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER 300 PASTEUR DRIVE, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS Professor Joshua Lederberg Dear Dave- Ladders or January 31, 1967 Thank you for the note; I usually read the editorial} page but would have missed it yesterday if you hadn't peinted it out. Yeu are prebably waarv ef the whele business, and yeu may already know very well the scientific back- greund of the preblem. But in case the Harlow argument sevnds intimidating, I thought the enclosed texts might be useful. Anastasi's noint about the relativity of env/her compenents (i.e., their percentage influence has te add up te 100%, hence the imporsance of ene depends on the range ef the other) is toe eften everlooked, and Harlew is quite guilty of the fallacy. It would be interesting te knew the biology of intellectual difference but I despair of finding out while there is se much environmental cenfeunding, and I den't think we will until we have mere immediate biechemical and develop- mental appreaches te the nature of intelligence. Our pesitien is net te attack the reasenableness ef Shockééy's questions, but the inflammatory style in which they are put. But I den't want to add te any public pelemics on this, certainly net in the context ef a persenal feud. Yours, Lr. JosepH P. Kennepy, Jr. Lasorarortes For MoLecutar MEDICINE dedicated to the study of mental retardation Molecular Biology Heredity Neurobiology Developmental Medicine 4 st hue SFO 9yI(8 qd ay WIN Sy