THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY 1230 YORK AVENUE NEW YORK. NY 10021 May 7, 1987 JOSHUA LEDERBERG PRESIDENT Ms. Yoshiko Hirota Research Facility for Nucleic Acids Institute for Chemical Research Kyoto University Uji, Kyoto-Fu 611 Japan Dear Yoshiko Hirota: Thank you for writing me about your mother's and your feelings about Yukinori's death. It was such a . Shock to me: I can only imagine what it must have been to you as part of his family. I appreciate your very kind words about the role that I was very happy to play in helping your father gain his place in science. Of course I only wish that could have reached a complete fulfillment, with the usual span of time that we should feel we have allotted to us. But now please tell me about yourself: I have not had much news about you since you were a little girl. I see that you are in research in nucleic acids in Kyoto. Would you tell me a little more about what you are doing, just what stage you are at in your own career? Yours sincerely, bo . shua Lederberg