NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF GENETICS YATA 1,111 MISIMA, SIZUOKA-KEN, All JAPAN Cable address: Genetics, Misima January 6, 1987 Dr. Joshua Lederberg The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10021 U. S. A. Dear Dr. Lederberg, 1986. We are very much touched by your condolences and feelings of sympathy with the death of Yukinori Hirota. He was attacked suddenly by stroke in midnight on 13 October 1986. Although an operation was performed with success immediately after that and he seemed to be recovering gradually, he died of pneumonia on 23 December. We all miss him very much, and your message will be con- veyed to his families and colleagues. Many thanks for your kind letter of December 30, / With kind regards, Sincerely yours, So diya Ritu o B& BE. Matsunaga, M.D., D.Sc. Director EM: sy