October 29, 1965 Dr. Yukinori Hirota c/o Dr. F. Jacob Institut Pasteur 28 Rue du Dr. Roux Paris 14, France Dear Hirota: I am sorry to learn of the uncertainties that you face in your position in Osaka, and I am sure that the purpose of your letter was to hint that you might be open to possible positions elsewhere. You may remember that I had mentioned the University of Hawaii to you as a possibility, or if I did not mention it to you, I did to Newton Morton, who is the chairman of the Genetics Department there. Did you have a chance to meet him during your recent conference there? k ‘Houle During the next months I will be on the alert for opportunities that might be especially pertinent to your interests, and it would help me very much if you keep me informed of the details of your travel plans so as to make it possible to arrange some meetings, if possible, when these might be helpful in reaching an evaluation. If I have misinterpreted what you have in mind please let me know so that I do not make fruitless efforts. I am sure you will have an exciting time in Paris, and I just hope that Francois does not get to be so dehuged with all the nonsense associated with his award that it discourages continuing first-rate scientific work. In any case I am sure you will have a very happy and fruitful year in Paris and that you will make the most of it. With very best regards. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics