HARVARD UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS JEFFERSON PHYSICAL LABORATORY 13 November 19 78 CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02138 Dr. Joshua Lederberg President Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue FF, WV New York, NY 10021 LTO : ACE OF THe PRED Dear Josh: I write you today because by accident I came across the two letters (copies enclosed). The topic you raised with Weisskopf is even more lively and sensible now. As it happens, I have heard others (e.g., Dr. Jacob Fine, previously Surgeon in Chief at Beth Israel Hospital) make a similar suggestion just a few days ago. Possibly one should urge, simultaneously through various channels, that a joint Egyptian-Israeli institute on common scientific and technical problems be set up (e.g., in the Sinai?)--the more so as the Camp David framework mentioned cooperative research. The U.S. may be needed to give the push to help fund it, etc. If you are at all interested, this may well be the best time to push again. Here are some channels, for your information and action. 1) Weisskopf replied to you as head of the American Academy. He has since turned Academy operations back to Harvey Brooks at Harvard (for reasons of health). Perhaps Weisskopf and/or Brooks will now have a response if you did not get one before. Note also that the American Academy and the National Academy have a joint committee on UNESCO that could, if it wished, get interested and active on this point (Lipset is a member). The Adademy also has a representative on the U.S. National Commission on UNESCO (a clergyman-type, Dr. Robert Nelson, who is not noted for activity). 2) The U.S. National Commission has its annual meeting very soon (in early December), and the Committee for an Effective UNESCO now has its own representative on it, namely, Prof. David Apter of Yale. He might be very appropriate to get the matter on the agenda and to speak up on its behalf. 3) Senators Javitts and Moynihan seem to me the best ones in the Senate for getting some action from that quarter. Ruth Levine may have additional ideas. Best regards. Sincerely yours, + HkS SUM - Gerald Holton Enc. xf pwd “