THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN MADISON 6 ‘ DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL GENETICS DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS SCHOOL OF MEDICINE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE LEDERBERG — GENETICS April 2%, 1958 Dr. James D. Watson Biology Labs Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts Dear Jimt The Departments of Genetics ani Biochemistry are canvassirz possible candidates for a joint appointment to try to strengthen our position in genetic chemistry. We have in mind (hopefully) someone who like Al Hershey could speak for himself in both fields — in fact we did try to interest Al but he seems to be solidly festened to CSH. Can you give us any concrete suggestions? One of the people that the interdepartmental committee haa been atudying is Ernst Freese, ami they would appreciate your specific evaluation of hin, With best regards, oshua Lederberg JL/ew GL LEGS Yor to Cag petty ow A funger (zee, (tr eh C8 oma buns | | Ot Gre gets 0 Currcculinns 9