THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Madison 6 DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS June 17, 1953 Dear Jim: Dave Skaar just came back from the Symposium. From the tenor of some of his report, it seemed to me just possible that you never received my reply (dated March 18) to your ms. and letter of the 13th. This might account for the fact (zether puzzling to me) that you never had replied to any of my questions, either in the paper or in your subsequent brief note. If you will let me know your current address ยป I will send you a copy of my carbon of this letter. It is rather dated now, having been addressed to your ms. at that time. I would say the evidence now is quite conclusive that the elimination (of Mal-S) is post-zygotic, and that the hypothesis of a pre=zygotic elimination as well (i.e. incomplete gametes) is supererogatory. I am sending copies of this to various addresses in hopes of reaching you. Yours singerely, BREE Lederberg