June 6, 1949. Dear Kim: Since our very provocative discussion on the mltiple-target theory, I have had a chance to look up some of the literature, ani am surprised to have to confess that there has been surprisingly little treatment. However, I still think that something might be found e.g., as a tresament eof the sigmoid survival curves when bacteria are allowed to form aicro- Colonies on agar before being irradiated. Luria and Dulbecco's approach is substantially the same, although they have to use certain slightly different terms, and appear to have dapended on an arithmetic summation of their series in evaluating the numbers of units. Luria and Latarjet's J. Bact. paper on irradiation of infected bacteria was the only clear statement that I could find along the lines of the theoryathat you are developing, and they seem to have used empirical methods of fitting to the untrane- formed curves. While on the train, I tried to see what I could do, but didn't come out with very auch. Assuming a constant nusber of nuclei,a, we have, of course: f2) P= L- (e4)®, op og= (1- eM) 8, I don't see any way of almplifying this to facilitate the estimation of a and no from the p/d data, except possibly to approximate, for ad large with respect to a: §2) & = ne, This just means, what we know already, that the log p/ d curves will become asymptotic, for large doses to lines with sl -~a Teen will extrapolate to the p - 0 line with an intercept dose equivalent to logn/a. imria and Latarjet refer to Delbrick's derivation of the expression: (3) pi eA nad which refere to the "apparent survival" using the full Poisson distribution (untruncséed). I assume that this is the function which transformls so nicely with loglogs: (4) legleg 1/p = logn~ ad, ‘There is one major difficulty with this expression that I can't see the solution for, ani wonder how you ney ave handled p it. Because of the derivation Broa a fictitious Poisson, the does not refer to p/p. where these er to the o ues with and without radiation,“buf to p Po = P,/P, + e~" , It te fairly obvious in (4) that p does not Usepme unity when no d is delivered. The full expression should read, then, =f 5) loglog (140 )/g, = log n - ad, which would not give precise tr&ight lines when loglog p, isfplotted against 4. The correction for p will become negligible when e~? is small (e.g. will be less than 1% for n more than 5), and for values of @ which allow low survival may be unimportant even for small n. But in the first couple of decaies of __ _ ‘killing, with values of n ca. 2 or 3, I think that this theory demands a rather appreciable deviation from linearity. However, the expression should lend itself to solution by successive approximation, by estimating an uncorrected n from (4), and then substit&ting this value of n in (5) and so on,. I haven't been able to find that reference to Yale's paper, as we don't have a file of the Proc. Roy Stat. Soe London here, but I have a rather distinct recol- lection thit Lt was about 1916, and that it covered a good approximate function 4nstead of (1), using tables of the gamma-funetions. It doesn'$ really have mach bearing on the problem of (4). I'LL be very mach interested to hear how your analysis comprres with this mne, and am Looking forward to seeing your manuscript. If you can't find the Yule refereamce. Dr. Rob't Boche, Inetitute of Radiobiology & Biophysics, U. Chiearc, Shi. 27, is when I heard shout ft from in the first piace. Itm not sending the "analysis" of the N. tetrasperma data, as I found an error in it: I neglente? to Inelude tha 32-bit cless. You'l]. be interested to Look up Uber and @oddard, JGenPhysiol 17. 597, and recalculate their data on the basis that the 4etarget—killad are dead, and all of the 3+, and half of the 2 class are salf-sterile. That stuff of yours on induced belanced Neterokaryons in Neurospora sounds very exciting, and Tam sofng to help myself to the ideas it provoked concerning some parallel expts. in diploid KeL2, Sincerely, Joshua Laderberg P.S. I didn't mind ny p's and q's too carefully on the first page. But I think that you can get what I mean without revising it any further than I did in ink.. Notlee that (2) gives you log p - log n - ad, while (4) gives you loglog (1/l-p) = log n~ ad. That is, innthe ting case, p should approximate Log (1/lep)., Liee, e? = 1 ~ Pp (4 ff =f Blewee) which is of course true for small values of p. 4 = ()-e-*) ~~ fe (1- )" = = ,9%03 l-ne~ = r- lo-.ol = ,900 oX pwr wll hare sn fu —->