THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN MADISON 53706 OCEPARTMENT OF FSYCHOLOGY PSYCHOLOGY BUILDING CHARTER AT JOHNSON June 24, 1969 Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Palo Alto, California 94304 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Enclosed are copies of the article you requested, "Fear communications in the acceptance of preventive health practices" as well as an article that appeared in Psychology Today. | have a chapter in the new Borgatta and Evans book, Smoking, Health and Behavior, Aldine Publishing Co., 1968, that begins where the fear communication Information begin. These two chapters give an up-to-date interpretation of the theoretical issues. Thank you for your interest. Sincerely, i Aj tog : m, * : i Ji or rn Cah, bo. ik; in, fi bow fiat Howard Leventhal, Ph.D. Professor HL/bs yw? * Thank you ¥Wery much. My point of inmediafe interest is the way that the presentation of superordinate goals can contribute to an effective sense of urgency about world order. rer Coty CC. Lo le gaee™ aww m off VVHLV ANA