fJurctortiny 9 the December 5, 1967 Mr. Peter Lawton Australian Cyctic Fibrosis Association G.P.0. Box 368E Brisbane, Queensland Australia Dear Mr. Lawton: Thank you for your insightful letter of November 19. You had every reason to relate my remarks to your humanitarian concerns about cyatic fibrosis. I wish I could be more explicit about how soon new genetic approaches could be of prattical utility in treating this and many other heart-rending afflictions. The time that it takes to do this will be directly related to the investment in basic biological research which, unhappily, is constantly being attenuated by short-sighted deflections into other commitments. The reference to the use of viruses was based on my own work on trans- duction in bacteria and on more recent suggestions by Dr. Stanfield Rogers of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. His paper appeared in the December1R0, 1966 issue of Nature, which will surely be readily available in your local library. a I am enclosing a couple of articles that bear on this subject. You may be interested that these appear on a regular weekly basis in the Melbourne Age. Youre sincerely, go AO ge eet hy ra +f :