June 4, 1969 Dr. Paul Kotin National Institute of Environmental Sciences P. 0. Box 12233 Research Triangle Park, N.C. 27709 Dear Dr. Kotin, Thank you for having promptly referred my letter of April 23rd to Dr. Falk. I think you might be interested in my reply and I therefore enclose a copy. I am also enclosing a brief bibliography that has a few items of mild interest. I can see no excuse for this matter not having been investigated earlier except the air of complacency that surrounds almost any practice that we have been accustomed to for a long time. However, the issues are so close to my own laboratory interests that we are now deeply involved in them ourselves and possibly we may have more facts to offer on the subject within the next few months. As you may note my interests in environmental health have been sharply awakened recently and I would like to’ask you the favor of helping me to get the publications from your institute that might be useful for my own education. I have enclosed a brief list of some items I have encountered but I would be grateful 1£ you can add any others that you think I ought to have under my attention. I would also be very grateful if you could dig up one or a few {up to 5) copies of the “Onehundred Problems in Environmental Health” for which IT have a number of good uses. Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics 3 enclosures JL/rr A (L0))