107 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 77 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY PHONE: (617) 864-6900 Room 56-423 Ext. 4707 October 7, 1970 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Stanford University School of Medicine Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, California 94305 Re: Viruses for insect control Dear Joshua, I hadn't given much thought to this problem. It interests me more as a model of how one may move thoughtlessly in a certain direction if one takes a technocratic approach to the solution of problems of large magnitude. I am going to study your material and may write you more about it. Meanwhile, in case you haven't seen the resolution that was passed at Mexico City, I enclose a copy. I think it was the most constructive thing that could be obtained and I assure you it was not an easy struggle to get it. Both Russian and American delegates were acting as prima donnas. Best regar ae sel/na S. E. Luria Woes ao