. The American People Must know the Truth Mr. President: 4 wk. he Did the CIA mastermind the coup in Cambodia? What are the Pentagon and the CIA up to in Thailand and Laos? + x *F Are you deliberately widening the war in South-East Asia? THE KILLING MUST END ’ THE WAR MUST BE STOPPED NOW Prof. Joshua Lecerberg The Peace Movement needs you Q Denartnent of Genetics APR 6 1979 School of Medicine . Organize for Peace Now - Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 Dear Salva-- I certainly understand and agree with your objectives, and I might be tempted to join with you. I do think, however, that it will be counter-ppoductive in the long run for distinguished scien- tists to spend their prestige in this style of debate. If I could ‘foresee a really useful result, I would not let such a sense of "delicacy" dissuade me, but TI have real doubts about that too. There is a real movement against thoughtless interventionism now, and it wéllnot necessarily be aided by invoking a diabolical inter- pretation of every mistake in policy. . * Seu, Fu Verust 'e ftsimny asa -CArg [leer (rte Aetracrbyary Cette ardird , . Yours,.