ae U Wid 0F | Wisgeaalsin/ November 19, 1947. Tear Kim & B3arbera- A bit of a lull has cone over my work today, mostly because a chest cold made it difficult for me to concentrate on it, and this gives me time to write to you. The post here is a good one, or will be when it is entirely integrated and the new lab is set up, budget straightcned out,&e. Meantizie, I am trying to work as best I can in a ratier impro- vised setup. Such things as water baths, incubators, refrigerator space and so on have to be borrowed from other labs here in the Genetics building, md while everyone has been most coopexative 4t still makes it di’ricult to work efficiently. I have bern spen- ding most effort on collecting ferpantation mutants in =. coll for comparative stucies on enzyinic specifities. I have te mutants now (cuite a few lactose- and maltose- negatives) but am impeded mostly ty need for ‘arburg equipment and the like for the measure- ment of enzyme activities, I oan't do very much work on mutant tranfformations wntil I can get some better facilities for growing and collecting large quantities of bacteria. These will be provided for (except that the inflation wreaks havoc witr. any kind of budget one can write-- prices change while items are on orderit) but the delivery situation on scientific equipment is very poor even nOoWe There is no teaching to speak of-- 1 hrs' quiz scotion in elemen- tary genetics, and an informal scninar in microbial genetics which 4s going over very well now. There 4s a lot of disperse interest. on this campus in these issues, and this seninar seems to de orya- tallizing it out.If there were more reom in the physioal plant there would be better chance for expansion, but this is the most serious single limiting factore- a3 4% is in every othex university. As you know, the 4AAS is meeting in Chicago this Christmas. Is there any vhance of your being dnterested enough to oome? Or is that not when KGA/III is expected. How is the youngster getting on? We haven't found a decent place to live yet unfortunately, but prospects do appear occasionally an« I hope to be settlea before too long. Meanwhile we have not unconfortable quarters in the ‘Univer: sity Nousing project at Truaxz Field outside the catg, more orcless comparable to the Camp Shanks project. Give our best to FJRp and the gang, and let's here from you. Sincerely,