BOB MONAGAN CHAIRMAN ALBERT J. LIPSON CHIEF CONSULTANT TO THE ASSEMBLY. 445-4651 California Legislature JAN I 5 97) Assembly General Research Committee ROOM 436. STATE CAPITOL January 5, 1971 Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305 Dear Joshua: The enclosed is the material you requested on the Commission on Manpower, Automation and Technology. I was interested to learn that you have joined the Board of Trustees of the Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc.. I very much agree that there is need for much greater legislative effort to define standards in the environmental field. I think the statutory approach is much sounder than having the courts make decisions on a qase by case basis in those areas where the legislative body has failed to act. I am impressed with the need for a new cost account- ing as a basis for assessing the true environmental impact of proposed public and private actions. Now that we have ASTAC organized, I hope we can keep it moving during this period of legislative transition. I view it as the beginning of an effort to institutionalize a system for involving academic and other experts in the policy problems of state government. Best wishes for the New Year. Sincerely, Albert J. Lipson Chief Consultant to the Assembly AJL:lhs Enclosure