BOB MONAGAN ALBERT J. LIPSON CHAIRMAN CHIEF CONSULTANT TO THE ASSEMBLY 445-4651 California Legislature Assembly General Research Committee RooM 320, STATE CAPITOL FEB 19 1979 February 17, 1970 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford, California 94305 Dear Dr. Lederberg: I am forwarding herewith a preliminary and unedited version of our report to the Assembly Select Committee on Environmental Quality. I understand that Al Lipson discussed this effort with you, and you indicated your interest. We are under a very tight deadline insofar as pre- paring the final report, and we hope to wrap it up this week. We would, however, value your comments and sugges- tions, either by mail or by telephone.’ I am sure you will understand that since the report has not yet been presented to or reviewed by the Committee, it is confidential, and we would appreciate your coopera- tion in maintaining that status. Please contact me or Al directly (916-445-8760) if we can clarify any of the findings or recommendations of the report, or if you wish to discuss your reaction to it. You may be sure that your interest in assisting us is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, ae ESE G. yles Research Analyst FGS:lhs Enclosure