a nl ta monet a ' A. SJ. “WIEMO FROM TO ™ J. LEDERBERG "Li pson/ Calif. RC GENETICS DEPARTMENT Assembly = 24 STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA DEC 14 1969 A favor? Could you brief me on current initiatives in the. Legislature on 1) Removing Lead from gasoline 2) "taxing" pollution -- e.g. a fee for ~ the use of the environment. I read recent- ly about (and would be interested in the specifics of) a proposal by Assemblyman ? to tax autos on a sliding scale related to their emission. 3) why not tax ledd in gas. This would en- ' courage a less convulsive switchover to other ways of getting sufficient octane rating, and by the same token could probably be pushed through that much more quickly. ; 4) any legislative work related to the issues of the enclosed column? 4 eee eee et ee a ] oo .-.-- Sincerely, )