BOB MONAGAN ALBERT J. LIPSON CHAIRMAN CHIEF CONSULTANT TO THE ASSEMBLY Galifornia Degislature 7% Assembly General Research Conunitter ROoM 320, STATE CAPITOL April 14, 1969 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Biology Stanford University Stanford, California Dear Doctor Lederberg: The California State Assembly, as part of Speaker Monagan's Reorganization Plan, is establishing a Science Advisory Council. The purpose of the Council is to provide the Legis- lature with more information on scientific and technological developments affecting state policy and to inform the scientific community of priority concerns of the Legislature Over the next three to five years. We hope to involve scientists and academicians, who are both sensitive to public policy issues and knowledgeable about research and development activities in their respective fields, in the work of the Council. This effort could sub- stantially enhance the research and program development capacity of the Council. A Subcommittee consisting of the Speaker of the Assembly and all Assembly committee chairmen, will be established to work directly with the Council. I am enclosing a copy of the Resolution, to be submitted this week, establishing the Council. We would appreciate your comments on the proposed Resolution and your suggestions on how the Resolution can best be implemented. We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Albert J. Lipson Chief Consultant AJL: hb to the Assembly Enclosure