July 15, 1969 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Dept. of Genetic Stanford Med. School Palo Alto California Dear Dr. Lederberg? There is at present in Italy a great interest for what concern{ space biology. I was requested to report on this program. Sihce I know how much you have done for the realization of this program, I would be most grateful if you would kindly send me arti- cles by you on this topic and’ — if possible~ reference to pettinent literature. If this material is available, I would ask you to send it to me to my adress in St. Louis, adressing it to my secretary Mrs. Leonore Friedman: Mrs. Lennore Friedman Dept. of Biology Washington University St. Louis Missouri 63130 She forwards the mail to me in Rome daily and I would receive it in a few days. I will remain in Rome until late in the Fall, I was offered the position of Director of the new Laboratory of Cell Biology which includes neurobiology, Immuno—chegistry and Molecular Biology of Animal cells. I still have not made up my mind whether I should accept it or not also in view of the continuous strikes and students unrest which make the situation rather difficult. a If you come to Rome in the summer or in the Fall, please let me know. We would be delighted if you could give us a Lecturesat the Istituto Superiore di Sanita where at present I still carry all my work in the field 6f insect neurobiologye The adress of the Istituto is: Istituto Superiore di Sanita Viale Hegina Elena 299 Roma 00161.— Miy home a@ress is: Viale di Villa Massimo 3 Roma 00161 Tel: 84 53524 With best greetings and regards. Sincérel incérely, P= four PD out et Rita Levi-—Montalcini