OFFICE MEMORANDUM @ STANFORD UNIVERSITY ¢ OFFICE MEMORANDUM e STANFORD UNIVERSITY © OFFICE MEMORANDUM xX Date: AUG 21 1972 To: Jack Lambert Macquarie University North Ryde NSW 2113 From Sussect: Yours of 8-16, re my SC Law Rev article ~y Whatever hybris may be feared to atkugk be daagnosed by your letter, you will have to take up yxtke with the gods; if you were concerned about offending _me, I have to say that this was a hasty, patbh-up job that I would much have “preferred to think through more carefully: but it was a special issue of the journal and they had an implacable deadline. I do enclose two versions of a corrigendum that I have inserted in copies I have sent out, and which may have eloped from yours. I think I might answer your pocket-sack analogy, first of all by agreeing Atul with you/ (See my footnote:5, p. 598; and compare my Nobel-XIV paper; and the and hee. last paragraph 611.* But Isee I did not really state my own position as clearly read immanentjas I had intended: certainly, tool-logic cannot validate value-axioms: these are axiomatic. I open myself to profound misinterpretation if this is in doubt). I also have serious reservations about the reliability of scientific inference in loose myames systems-- i.e. every humanly important one. At least one should not cloak common. sense policy judgments with unwonted scientific rigor. Lack of center? Yes this does seem the weakest point. I do not offer clearcut ethical prescriptions; and if I did they certainly would not be in any sense scientifically demonstrable. What tool-logic can do, at most, is to test the interhal consistency, and to exhibit the probable ramifications, of a given ethical theory. Until I am prepared to work out a constructive ethical theory of man (and my work until now is preeminently critical rather than constructive) I am afraid you will see vortices leading to other dimensions. But the phrase you caught about impossible/unavoidable is just sm sloppy writing. "Impossible" reflected my hopelessness about doing the redefinition of rights really well; "unavoidable" that we had to make some efforts (but we should not expect too much). Well you may say, I have not touched the real issues at all! Lbt me turn around and ask you, what is your model of an tm ideal world, plausibly attainable, in which technology is applied for nothing but the commom good. As to your diagram about do vs know, I react that they are indeed totally inextricable. But in law we . distinguish between guilty intentions versus actions, and for similar reasons we can factor out large scale action ("technology") as a target of social regulation likely to have fewer distressing side-effects than efforts to control XRHKRXREMENY "science". Bek redo Pv teartpend fore bool, bon Cas. WNGNVYOWSW JIIO S ALISYZAINN GYOINVIS © WNGNVYOWSW 3D14O © ALISUIAINN GYOANVLS © WNMGNWYOW3W 3D1sd0 © ALISUZAINN GYOsNVIS © ALA pi at ae : (, —