Memo from To: JOSHUA LEDERBERG by? 6 i" John S Lambert Thank you for the>referehces. I hope this catches you before you leave. WHEE WXXIXHRMX HEX IHX SHARKEY XXXEREXNMAEXEBNERX How long will you be at Macquarie? While you are in'Australia, I hope you have a chance to meet F.M. Burnet (emeritus director of the Hall Institute in Melbourne)-- perhaps through Gus Nossal (director now, and a long-time friend of mine). They have given a great deal of thought to questions of "futhrologyā€¯. I will forward some publications etc from time to time. 1 Don Michael (do you know "The Unprepared Society has also been chiding me to attend to the ambigui- ties of social values before embarking on the Prom-Sisiph. enterprise. He pushes Novak and Slater. .-~ _ aR, Platt will be at the Center in 71-72. The NSF has funded the new program, officially as of Sept. 72. Good luck, and enjoy the surfing, Sincerely, PROFESSOR JOSHUA LEDERBERG Department of Genetics School of Medicine Stanford University Stanford, California 94305