January 23, 1974 Dr. T.A. Lambo Deputy Director-General WorH Health Organization 1211 Geneva 27 SWITZERLAND Dear Tom, Thank you for your rather flattering letter of January 14th. Of course, I will be delighted to send you whatever material I still have available that would be helpful to you in completing your collection. IT am not sure there is very much that will be very exciting from a bibliophilic standpoint but I will send you a package under separate cover by surface-mail. In fact, I have become somewhat interested in the historical aspects of my own field and have been distressed at the extent to which revealing documents have been rather carelessly destroyed by those of my colleagues who have a rather anti-historical temperament. Fortunately there is a concerted effort, particularly by people in the American Association of Arts and Sciences, to try to remedy this but I am sad to say that there is already a great deal of material as recent as the 1940's that would have shed light on some very interesting developments and which is now no longer recoverable, I am sorry too that my personal commitments did not allow me to join you on the present occasion for the tour in Africa but I will certainly be eager to look for further opportunities where I can possibly be of assistance. I hope conversely ‘that we may have an opportunity to see you here before too much longer. Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg JL/rr