CARL HAYDEN, Antz, CHAIMDARN SEP 5 1967 RICHARD B. RUSSELL, GA. ALLEN J, ELLENDER, LA, LISTER HILL, ALA. JOHN L. MCCLELLAN, ARK, WARREN G. MAGNUSON, WASH, SPESSARD L. HOLLAND, FLA. JOHN STENNIS, MISS. JOHN 0. PASTORE, F.1. A. &. MIKE MONRONEY, OKLA, ALAN BIBLE, NEV. ROBERT C. BYRD, W. VA. GALE W. MCGEE, WYO, MIKE MANSFIELD, MONT. £. L. BARTLETT, ALASKA WILLIAM PROXMIRE, WIS. RALPH YARBOROUGH, TEX. MILTON R. YOUNG, N. DAK. KARL E. MUNDT, 8. DAK. MARGARET CHASE SMITH, MAINE THOMAS H. KUCHEL, CALIF. SOnDON ALLOTT, COLD. Wnited States Denate CLIFFORD P. CASE, N.J. JACOB K. JAVITS, N.Y. COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 August 30, 1967 i THOMAS J. SCOTT, CHIEF CLERK < WM. W. WOODRUFF, ASST. CHIEF CLERK fear} ¥ oo ft i wo & Coos, va) ox Professor Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics ~C Stanford University School of Medicine : b _ Stanford Medical Center ~~ Palo Alto, California 94304 ae Dear Professor Lederberg: — I appreciate your thoughtful views about the issues posed in funding our space activities and will have them in mind when the Senate Appropriations Committee considers the supply bill for the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- oS ministration a few weeks hence, (2 As you note, the fiscal pressures upon the Congress [= and the Executive Branch are heavy, indeed, and a multitude Wry of desirable projects and programs require intense evaluation in the interest of prudence and sound policy, Since the Budget requests were submitted, Congress has concluded that certain intended activities in the space field should be retarded or deferred and the President, as you may have learned from news dispatches, concurs in various reductions by the House in funds for NASA operations. The matter of flexibility in reprogramming appropriations is receiving thoughtful attention from members of the Subcommittee reviewing the pending measure, Incidentally, the bill does allow limited transfers for approved purposes although money was denied for a number of contemplated activities, the urgency of which was not persuasively shown, I want to see all justifiable support provided for efforts of promise and given deserved priority, so I shall review the Sub- committee conclusions and recommendations carefully. Sincerely yours, \W0.8 THOMAS H, KUCHEL K:Fu United States Senator