OO NE FTE TOT BEIT VO BO HF OD HG TN NEN EN ENS Or I ON Ed ded ce ee ee ee he dee ee ge NA UND DO RI BRS RR RPI RID Pe Pe Pern NIQUE NHS WOO SIOUT EE NNO WOOLEN © LOCO SI OIUTI EE NDF OW 00 SIC UT EE WWD FO 0 COSI CIUT EE WRI 19 00 SIU EE WIN HOW OO SIMUL WN HOWOONI UIE WOE November 4, 1966 To: Mr. John Merriam Legislative Assistant, Senator Thomas] Kuche1 | TY For soundest advice European technology consult one Bill Consolazio at NSF check Herman Lewis there and two Victor McElheny London correspondent for Science magazine check Dan Greenberg Washington office. My proposal for incentive is US matching support for system of all-European universities to serve yardstick role, get away from ultra-nationalistic bureaucracies in higher education. Important to insist on hammering out European cooperation as basis of any solution to whibh US will contribute. Joshua Lederberg 4.3190.) Se olecliel H eenein aor laf pect thes nese C