¥ Note to file Interview with Norm Kretchmer on clinical research in New York see Norman was somewhat on the fence about Gaull. He said he would not appoint him as a scientific director of an institute but the present role doesn't quite compete with that. He is a smart guy,has done interesting and good work, is rather pompous. He did say that Sinai decided not to offer him a full time position and that I could consult Hirschorn about that. We are in competition with Albert Einstein. Generally, Norm reenforced the view that since we are still working out the basic philosophy of the clinical research center and our relationships to other institutions that I should not allow myself to be pressured into premature appointments. a He knew nothing of Dennis B@ier and correctly pointed out that he was obviously not yet at a level “Of maturity to be a laboratory head. The visiting committee for the Clinical Research Center should include a pediatrician: For example, Charley Scriven or Floyd Denny. He himself would be willing to talk to our people about it but individually and not as a member of a committee. One prime candidate for an X-department head who wants to be back in the laboratory is Al Bongiovanni who is temporarily a dean at Puerto Rico. He mentioned Elizabeth Neufeld at NIH as one of the outstanding clinical investigators at NIH. He thought that Ruth KwxGgéin was doing a pretty good job as director of her institute but she is somewhat insecure about her academic status not having come up through those ranks herself. He thought very highly of Ted Cooper whether on the same side of the fence or across from it. Jim Sidbury is now the scientific director of his institute. ‘