OFFICE MEMORANDUM © STANFORD UNIVERSITY « OFFICE MEMORANDUM Date: October 23, 1970 To : Dr. Joshua Lederberg From : Dr. Norman Kretchmer LLL, SUBJECT: Attached Draft Dear Josh, Enclosed is the draft material that I found and have had retyped. I really do not see any reason why it could not be given to Cook, Since you read rapidly, I would leave the final decision up to you. The report includes the original statements we made to Glaser as well as some embellishments put in for Pitzer. Neither the report nor the letter was ever given to Pitzer, or in fact, to anyone. Actually, it sounds pretty good to me. Nor Norman NK: sm Enclosure WNONVYOWAW 301440 © ALISUZAINNM GYOINVLS @© WNONVYOWSW 3d1ddO © ALISUAAINN GYOANVIS