[written in top margin in Lederberg's handwriting, Ketchmer [sic]] Tuesday 9 June 1970 Dear Margarite [sic] and Josh, We are having one fascinating experience after another. We've been here 6 wks. in Lagos and despite the inconveniences (no water sometimes, humidity and heat, inefficiency and lack of punctuality) we're enjoying it. We're living in the hospital compound in a suburb 15 minutes from Lagos. Lagos itself is a busy city teaming [sic] with people, noise, color, traffic jams and accidents. We spent a week up in northern Nigeria collecting blood samples -- only 5 flats on our trip which is a story in itself. We were 6 plus a baby plus driver in an old Volkswagon bus on the road for a day and a half. Part of it all is like Africa of the movies -- revolving ceiling fans, mosquito netting over the beds, and stewards to cook and clean (I'm getting spoiled) We'll leave Nigeria next Tuesday for East Africa to see the animal parks. The only animals we've seen so far are goats -- then on to Tel Aviv [END PAGE ONE] [BEGIN PAGE TWO] and Athens and then home by July 7th. Norm's research project has been going very well despite the many difficulties and he's just turned on by the whole African scene. Love, Midge and Norman