May 1, 1953 Dr. I. N. “sheshov N.Y. Botanical Garden New York 58, N.Y. Dear Dr. Asheshoy: I am pleased that you have taken the initiative in reopening our corres~ pondence. «hen I reviewed our previous letters, I was surprised to see the state in which I had left it. Perhaps I should apologize for Mr. Zinder. He told me that he had called at the Gardmaas, and telephoned thereafter several times, both on Friday and Saturday, without finding you. My memory may be wrong, but I beliewe he also left the cultures for you. I cannot imagine any other reason why I would not have sent them to you later. Although there is no obvious explanation for the confusion, I am pleased we can start fresh. I am happy t6 Splish strains K-12 and W-1485. These are adequately deseribed in the papetnt being sent separately, with the strains, I hope you will be able to find a method of "curing® these bacteria. Aside from its theoretical and analogical importance, it would be technically very useful in our work to have a simple, censistent method. Best wishes for the outeome of yopr experiments, in which I will be most interested. You may be interested to learn that the Sertic-Boulgakov phage VIII-13 is now again available, and that its properties were ccrrectly described: i.e., it attacks only flagellated bacteria. It is probable, however that the flagella act as receptora cnly, and that the action of the phage in prceducing non-motile variants i serely selective. Yours sincerely, Jcshue Lederberg