[stamped, APR 17 1974] 5 April 1976 Dear Dr. Lederberg, May I ask you to delve into the (alas! no longer recent) past? In your paper on 'Segregations in E. coli' published in Genetics 32, 505-525 (1947), you referred (last section, p 508) to mutants resistant to chloroacetate (Cla11 [?]), which differed from their wild-type parents in being affected "in the metabolism of pyruvic and acetic acids" -- tantalizingly, you ended that sentence with the phrase . . "which will be described in more detail elsewhere". I have tried to trace this 'elsewhere', but without success. Has further work on these types of mutant been published by you? If so, could you tell me where and when? Alternatively, have the disfunctions in "the metabolism of pyruvic and acetic acids" selected or Cla11 [?] been further characterized? I would be most grateful for your help. With best regards Sincerely yours Hans L. Kornberg