abe STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER is STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 e (415) 321-1200 STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE April 27, 1971 Department of Genetics aa Dr. Hilary Koprowski Max-Planck-Institut fle Verhaltensphysiologie 8131 Seewisen, Abt. Lorenz GERMANY Dear Hilary, I was talking to Irene a few days ago, and she may have written you, about Claude; now I am glad to have your postcard. I do not have any independent statistical data on the question of sex ratio. Walter Bodmer and I had taken some looks at sex ratio in the data of the U.S. census, We concluded that unreliability of reporting live births was a larger factor in such data and probably also in the vital statistics (birth certificates) than was usually understood. The unreliability as well as the secondary sex ratio will be confounded with class, regional, and race differences and these in turn with factors like season of birth. So, our net conclusion is simply to view data of this kind with acute skepticism unless specific checks are available to alleviate these sources of uncertainty. Sincerely yours, jostiyé Lederberg wer Préfessor of Genetics Edwards, A. W. F. 1958. “An analysis of Geissler's data on the human sex ratio.” Ana. Hum. Genet. 2X1): 6-15. 1960a. ** The meaning of binomial distribution. ** Nature 186: 1074. 1906b. “* Natural selection and the sex ratio.’ Nature 188: 960-961. 1961. ‘The population genetics of ‘sex ratio’ in Drosophila pseudoobscura.” Heredity 16(3): , 291-304. 1962. “Genetics and the human sex ratio.” Advanc. Genet. 11: 239-272. 1963. “* Natural selection and the sex ratio: the approach to equilibrium.” Amer. Natur, 97: 397-400. 1966. “Séx-ratio data analysed independently of family limitation.” Ana. Hum. Genet, 29: 337-347. A. W. F., and L. L. Cavalli-Sforza 1964. “Rec of evolutionary trees.”” In V.E. Heywood and J. McNeill and Phylogenetic i ation No. 6). London: The System method for cluster analysis.” Biometrics 21(2): Edwards, A. W. F., and M. Fraccaro 1958. “The sex distribution in the offspring of 5477 Swedish ministers of religion, 1585-1920. ” Hereditas 44: 447. Edwards, J. H. 1958. “‘Congenital malformations of the central nervous system in Scotland.” Brit. J. Prev. Soc. Med, 12(3): 115-130. 1960. “The simulation of mendelism.” Acta Genet. Statist. Med. 10(1-3): 63-70. 1965. “The meaning of the associations between blood groups and disease.” Ann. Hum. Genet eee 29: 77-83. 1969. “Familial predisposition in man.” Brit. Med. Bull, 25(1): 58-64. me +) = ate J. &. KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, DEDICATED TO RESEARCH IN MENTAL KL sAKwATION MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HEREDITY NEUROBIOLOGY DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE penqes c] senje ce soe cheney we cee ss cap eee jer