S] ANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STANFORD MEDICAL CENTER 300 PASTEUR DRIVE, PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA 94304 DE TMENT OF GENETICS Professor Joshua Lederberg ~. Hon Edward I. Koch | ' JUL 1 1969 House of Representatives Washington D.C. Year Mr. Koch: Thank you for your hospitality on the occasion of the breakfast meeting on CBW. I hope we are not being too optimistic in the feeling that we may be getting somewhere on this issue, and I am deeply grateful for your interest in it. a, D Lo awa Hinss per. ? ~ t I also just noticed your remarks on the NSF and other science programs in the Congressional itecord for June 24, which I found most thoughtful and well directed. It is very difficult for me to un- derstand the penny-wise,pound-foolish attitudes underlying the vote here, in contrast to the irre- Sistible urge to spend billions on the ABM, I can't help feel that there are unstated resentments that have nothing to do with fiscal economy. Even Hr. Daddadario's emphasis on the routing of the restored funds to institutional grants for the particular benefit of the smaller schools seemed to fall on deaf ears. (I am not so naive as to think that these matters are usually settled on the floor of the whole house.) It puzzled me that the final vote on the Giamo amendgment (C/R p. H5146) was taljen in the Committee of the Whole by only 31:72, a very small part of the membership. Is this customary, or would it have made no difference anyhow. pl’ Lr. Josepn P. Kennepy, Ja. Lanoratories tor Mocecucar MEDICINE () dedicated to the study of mental retardation Molecular Biology Heredity Neurobiology Developmental Medicine