Mr. Grayson Kirk President Columbia University New York, New York 10827 Dear President Kirk: I am delighted and honored to have received your notification of the Trustees' action in conferring an honorary doctorate on me on the occasion of the Bicentennial of the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Octoder. I hasten to accept, and to assure you that I will be in attendance for the full period of the symposium and for the special convocation. As you would readily note from my academic record, I did achieve my baccalaureate at Columbia College. I had also aspired to achieve the doctorate of medicine. However, while I have been closely identified with medical research and education, I have to account myself a drop- out as far as the M.D. was concerned. It will certainly be a partial consolation to have achieved at least one doctorate from my alma mater, notwithstanding it has a somewhat different character than I could pos- sibly have anticipated when I first enrolled in the college and later in the medical school. a With deep appreciation, Yours sincerely, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Maly