RESEARCH CORPORATION 405 LEXINGTON AVENUE, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10017 KENDALL W. KING ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT—GRANTS March 11, 1976 Dr. Joshua Lederberg Department of Genetics Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, California 94305 Dear Dr. Lederberg: Appended to an application we received from David Werner was a copy of your letter of October 10, 1975 to Kenneth Newell at WHO. Two things about that letter caught my attention. One was a delightful moment of recall of the finest course I ever had -- one called, I believe, Microbial Genetics at Madison in days long gone when I was of the opinion that mastery of pure biochemistry was the apex of intellec- tual achievement. The other was to see at least a snatch of your concern about the frustrations of Third world health care. The world needs to divert the thrust of intellects like yours in that direction. Your support of Werner is therefore heartening. What he has been promoting is closely related to my own main efforts of the past 18 years, and reviewing his work to date I would have only one quarrel with it. With three- quarters of the 7.5 x 105 child deaths per year in this hemisphere being nutritionally predicated, there is disappointingly little in the way of practical nutritional information in Donde No Hay Doctor. But there could be a great deal. It is a failing to which Mahler of WHO has recently called attention with appropriate bluntness. One kind of attack on clinical nutrition problems that is widely adaptable to programs Like Werner's is described in the enclosed manuscript which will appear in the next issue A FOUNDATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE Dr. Joshua Lederberg Stanford University Medical Center March 11, 1976 Page 2 of the Journal of Tropical Pediatrics and Environmental Child Health. If you have reactions to it, I'd like to hear them. It was good to run into you again if only through the accidents created by invention of Xerox machines. pty Kendall W. King GG Enclosure ce: Dr. H. P. Mahler, Director-General, WHO Mr. David Werner, Hesperian Foundation Dr. Moises Behar, WHO