STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 © (415) 321-1200 STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Department of Genetics Professor Joshua Lederberg SEP 14 172 Thank you for the material on the "ransom tax". As you know, Levich's statements have been very widely broadcast. Dear Alex: Perhaps you will also have noted the actions by the NAS which (entre nous) I am glad to have taken a part in instigating-- specifically the formula of an infor- mational which is probably the only one that could get a sufficient consensus. I have to caution that the "ransom" is a very clever move, in the light of the exasperation of many quarters in this country about the abnegation of educational debts. Fictitious "bankruptcies" may put an end to im- portant programs of educational loans to students; and there is the extreme example of the suits against McCullough and Joy. Revulsion about the ransom may work to liberalize opinion here about "loans"; but I thotight I should caution you about headon attacks on the principl of a government's interest in the cost of education. The present case is so patently discriminatory it should hardly need such nicety; but it ig important that - it be stressed that the ransom is a thinly veiled measure directed ad hoc against a particular class. It is of course important to raise a fuss, particularl of a kind that will open up communications within the Soviet Union, where often the right hand knoweth kot what the left hand does. . Yours, Lt. Josepx P. KENNEDY, JR. LABORATORIES FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE dedicated to the study of mental retardation Molecular Biology Heredity Neurobiology Developmental Medicine