Keynan Keynan 7-11-72 Dear Alex, Mal'ka -- The better I get to know you, the more overwhelming your hospitality! Even (or in spite of ) a phylogenetic relationship could hardly account for it. I don't mean the trouble you take in having me a guest in your home, for which I am already grateful. But above all the enthusiasm with which you both take time from a busy schedule and lavish this on my smallest whims. I do not know how to deserve such sincere attention; but let me at least say thank you. And your promises about a next visit will [ . . . ] hasten the opportunity! Please take no trouble at all about the (3 dollar) slippers I left in the haste of so early a departure. Or perhaps wear them! Else discard. Alex -- I will send you a few things to read, c/o MBL Woods Hole, when you may have some more leisure. I am sorry, for her, that Malka does not join you. The Hillmans, too, helped lighten my journey, in a tradition like your own. Best wishes, Joshua [written in different handwriting Dear Alex and Malka, You make me more sorry than ever that I had to miss the trip! Thank you so much for the beautiful book and for all the fascinating]