iemo from To: JOSHUA LEDERBERG Dr. Carl Kaysen AUG 4 197] 1) v, Neumann Symposium; 2) Govt & Sci Res. 1-- T am glad to see how program is shaping up, and (if there was any doubt) confirm my accep- _ tance of your invitation. -2--.I-enpyed-your—atticle in-Public Interest. May I_ask-if-you-have-a bibliographic listing -o£--your-writings;—oer-at—least -those- of interest -to-e would-be student of—science=and=policy?—~ Needless to say I share your concerns about the place of science in what may be a cultural revolution. I am not at all happy with the | rather emotional formulations that emerge from nAy har Academy of A&S talk -- you may note the date was May 1970, and better understand the tone; and this was cribbed from a piece I had | put together at 3 am the previous day for a talk to the &merican Psychiatric Association, an ambi- ence that may have influenced my mood ~--not to mention the radical pickets and potential hecklers operation we have just started at the Center for Adv. Stud. Behav. Sci here. Your article points “precisely to the issue that most concerns me _ ~=