STANFORD UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS July 15, 1977 Dr. Martin Kaplan PUGWASH Geneva 114 Ave. De la Paix Switzerland Dear Martin: I am grateful to you for persevering about trying to get me to the PUGWASH meeting next month, but I am afraid it is just out of the ques- ‘tion for this summer. However, I ran into Joe Martin just a little while ago, and it re- minded me to alert you to the fact that he had just retired from ambassadorial service and would be an excellent person to keep in mind for future PUGWASH meetings. In case you have misplaced it, his San Francisco address is: Mr. Joseph Martin, Jr. Pettit, Evers & Martin The Transamerica Building 600 Montgomery Street San Francisco, California 94111 415-434-4000 a I was also glad to hear that Jim Leonard is now back in government, for the time being as Andy Young's deputy at the U.N. You may recall that he was the chief of the delegation to the Committee on Disarmament while they were negotiating the BW convention. He was for all intents and purposes pushed out by the Nixon crowd, and I was delighted to see that he has now been rehabilitated. All the best to both of you. Yours sincerely,. ‘Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JL:ek-£ DEPARTMENT OF GENETICS, STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, STANFORD, CALIFORNIA 94305 © (415) 497-5052