STANFORD UNIVERSITY MrpicaAl CEN PER STANFORD, CALLEBORNEA 94505 December 28, 1976 iD SisstorD UNE ERSELY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE a a, 7 . e Depactriene of Genetics Fis $NT 88D 8 a ae Dr. M.M. Kaplan Director-General Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs 9 Great Russell Mansions , 60 Great Russell Street London WC1B 3BE, England Dear Martin, Marguerite and I have given a lot of thought about the possibility of making it to the 27th conference, but I have to say that when it comes down to brass tax, it really looks as if we just cannot fit it in this coming year. I know you have already put in a lot of effort to help make this possible, but I hope that it might still have some use in the form of a rain-check for a future time. I do have one bonus for you, however, in very small recompense: namely the name of Robert Jervis who is a professor of political science at UCLA. He had just come out with a new book, published by Princeton University Press, called "Perception and Misperception in International Affairs". In my own personal opinion this is the milestone work in the systematic application of psychological principles to political decision making, and I believe that the book itself will be regarded as the proper founding of this new interdiscipline. I do not mean to discredit the enthusiasm that Gerald Frank and many psychiatrists have put into this problem, but I have to say that I must view Jervis's effort as the most interesting scientific synthesis by far. At minimum I strongly urge you to read it; and of course I had in mind that he would be a most valuable recruit for any discussions at Pugwash which fnvolve the knowledgeable and shrewd application of behavioral science to international security problems. With fondest good wishes, Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics SL/rr Dave, this is a must that I recommend to you for the same reasons as to Martin. LY. f.P. RENNEDY. PR. LARORATORIFS FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE, PEGIC ATED PO RESEARCH IN MEN PAL REPARDAUTION MOBPOCUL AR PLOPDOGY HEREDITY NEV ROLIOLOGY DEVELOUMENTPAR SEFDICINT,