MEMO FROM TO: TX J. LEDERBERG Martin Kaplan RC GENETICS DEPARTMENT RO STANFORD UNIVERSITY STANFORD, CALIFORNIA DEC 16 1969 I am quate content with the CBW report as it stands, though I am a little concerned that it may be used as an operational manual by saboteurs. I am glad that you did not include a virus (like hepatitis) as a test ease for attacking a water supply. Also, how long will it take to discover that superchlorination can be countered by adding a few aliquots of thiosulfate to the LSD or microbial charge. , I could suggest one addition, though it may need further discussion because of its policy implications. There ought to be much more intense, open research on tiological defense, and W.H.O. can and should play a role either in direct management of (a) Fort Nebrick, or at least in maintaining a liaison office at such installattons to verify their non-secret character, and help facilitate some level of international parti- cipation. I volunteered some such ideas my- self in informal discussion after the testi- mony hereinattached.