June 24, 1969 Dr. Martin Kaplan World Health Organization 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland Dear Martin, I had a chance to see Matt Meselson in Washington a few days ago and he did bring me up to date on some more of the details of the meeting on the BW document. I am very pleased with the progress that seems finally to be occurring in this field. He mentioned to me the excercise that had been made about sabotage and some of the sound considerations that led to its being left out of the final document. I believe, however, that many governments, and by no means the least that of the United States, would profit from being alerted by the thinking that went into that excercise. I would, therefore, urge you to consider asking for a revision to be wade of the sabotage ae study that would be suitable for being made available to government - authorities interested in defending ewed supplies against attack fron @VMatep domestic psychotics. This does not have to be related in any way to the BW dssue as such. I myself have been urging the authorities in the public cope health service here to pay closer attention to this problem and I am sure . that they too would benefit from the kind of thinking that went into the od preliminary sabotage study. ae It unfertunately does not appear likely that I can visit Geneva at any time this summer. wh Sincerely yours, Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics JLfrr