WORLD HEALTH if Ny ORGANISATION MONDIALE ORGANIZATION DE LA SANTE 1211 GENEVA 27 - SWITZERLAND 1211 GENEVE 27 - SUISSE Telegr.: UNISANTE-Geneva Télégr.: UNISANTE-Genéve Tél. 346061 Télex, 22335 In reply please refer to: N64/372/31 27 March 1969 Priére de rappeler la référence: Dear Josh, I am very sorry you will not attend the meeting of our group, nor that of Pugwash. For the WHO submission we should like to include some thoughts on possible long-term effects of CBW on the human gene pool, even if this involves some far out thinking. I do not have in mind the one generation effect that could occur were the (unlikely) use made of such agents as the rubella and other viruses affecting the fetus, or of any human oncogenic agent that may be uncovered analogous to the animal oncogenic viruses (adenovirus, SV 40, avian leukosis); nor the use of genetic recombinants (e.g. influenza). While we should have welcomed very much any contributions you would make on these points, perhaps you might give some thought to other possible genetic effects on humans or lower animals arising from the mass introduction through use in war of new or already known chemical or biological agents (see enclosed reprint, p. 239). The major chemicals we shall consider are the organophosphorous group, the mustards, and the psychomimetics (e.g. LSD). if time permits I should be glad to send you the draft WHO report for any comments you would care to make before our meeting here on 19 and 20 May. The WHO report could have a very great influence towards outlawing biological warfare and in bringing the entire problem of CBW on a par with control efforts on nuclear weapons - a not insignificant step. ‘ Your help would be greatly appreciated, and surely worthwhile. Sincerely yours, Martin Kaplan P.S. I am sending you under separate cover some material on chemical agents prepared by Perry Robinson, a staff member of SIPRI, who is one of our advisers in the preparation of the WHO report. This material should be treated as confidential. Dr Joshua Lederberg Professor of Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine Stanford University Medical Center stanford California 94305 USA ENCL: 1